4th International Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials – 4SSCM-2017
Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials is cordially inviting theorists and experimentalists in the field of ceramic materials to the Fourth Conference of Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials which will be held in Belgrade (Serbia) in 15th – 17th June 2017.
The Conference is aimed to get together the scientists and academicians as well as the young researchers from all over the world to exchange their new ideas and latest results in ceramic materials area.
Presentations will consist of plenary, invited and contributed lectures as well as of poster presentations. The presentations will deal with a broad range of topics from basic to applied science and technology advance. Special attention will be laid on nanomaterials suitable for different and new applications.
The conference offers a great opportunity for young researchers to present their work on international level.
We hope that participants will also enjoy the city of Belgrade which is known after its unique hospitality and pleasant atmosphere.
More information at this link: