1. M. Pošarac, A. Devečerski, T. Volkov-Husović, B. Matović, D.M. Minić, The Effect of Y2O3 Addition on Thermal Shock Behavior of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel, Science of Sintering, 41 (2009) 75-81.
  2. M. Dimitrijević, M. Pošarac, J. Majstorović, T. Volkov-Husović, B. Matović, Behavior of silicon carbide/cordierite composite material after cyclic thermal shock, Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 1077-1081.
  3. M. Pošarac, M. Dimitrijević, T. Volkov-Husović, J. Majstorović, B. Matović, The ultrasonic and image analysis method for non-destructive quantification of the thermal shock damage in refractory specimens Materials & Design, 30 [8] (2009) 3338-3343.
  4. M. Kokunešoski, J. Gulicovski, B. Matović, B. Babić, Synthesis and characterization of ordered mesoporous silica, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 11 (2009) 1656-1659.
  5. B.V. Kaluđerović, Lj.M. Kljajević, D. Sekulić, J. Stašić, Ž. Bogdanov, Adsorption characteristics of activated carbon hollow fibers, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 15 [1] (2009) 29-31.
  6. D.R. Sekulić, B.M. Babić, Lj.M. Kljajević, J.M. Stašić, B.V. Kaluđerović, The effect of gamma radiation on the properties of activated carbon cloth, Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 74 [10] (2009) 1125-1132.
  7. D. Božić, I. Cvijović-Alagić, B. Dimčić, J. Stašić, V. Rajković, In-situ processing of TiB2 nanoparticle-reinforced copper matrix composites, Science of Sintering, 41 [2] (2009) 143-150.
  8. Z. Cvijović, M. Vratnica, I. Cvijović-Alagić, The influences of multiscale-sized second-phase particles on fracture behaviour of overaged 7000 alloys, Procedia Engineering, Special Issue: Mesomechanics 2009, 1 [1] (2009) 35-38.
  9. I. Cvijović-Alagić, S. Mitrović, Z. Cvijović, Đ. Veljović, M. Babić, M. Rakin, Influence of the Heat Treatment on the Tribological Characteristics of the Ti-based Alloy for Biomedical Applications, Tribology in Industry, 30 [3-4] (2009) 16-21.
  10. A. Šaponjić, B. Babić, A. Devečerski, B. Matović, Preparation of Nanosized Non-Oxide Powders Using Diatomaceous Earth, Science of Sintering, 41 (2009) 151-159.
  11. B. Matović, B. Babić, A. Egelja, A. Radosavljević-Mihajlović, V. Logar, A. Vučković, S. Bosković, Preparation of porous silica ceramics using the wood template Materials and Manufacturing processes, 24 (2009) 1109-1113.
  12. N.R. Elezović, B.M. Babić, V.R. Radmilović, Lj.M. Vračar, N.V. Krstajić, Synthesis and characterization of MoOx-Pt/C nano-catalysts for oxygen reduction, Electrochimica Acta, 54 (2009) 2404-2409.
  13. B. Babić, J. Gulicovski, Lj. Gajić-Krstajić, N. Elezović, V.R. Radmilović, N.V. Krstajić, Lj.M. Vračar, Kinetic study of the hydrogen oxidation reaction on sub-stoichiometric titanium oxide-supported platinum electrocatalyst acid solution, Journal of Power Sources, 193 (2009) 99-106.
  14. N.R. Elezović, B.M. Babić, Lj.M. Vračar, V. R. Radmilović, N.V. Krstajić, Preparation and characterization TiOx-Pt/C catalyst for hydrogen oxidation reaction, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11 (2009) 5192-5197.
  15. U. Lačnjevac, B.M. Jović, Z. Baščarević, V.M. Maksimović, V.D. Jović, Morphology and phase composition of as-deposited and recrystallized Ni–Mo–O powders, Electrochimica Acta, 54 (2009) 3115-3123.
  16. N.D. Nikolić, G. Branković, V.M. Maksimović, M.G. Pavlović, K.I. Popov, Influence of potential pulse conditions on the formation of honeycomb-like copper electrodes, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 635 (2009) 111-119.
  17. N.D. Nikolić, V. Maksimović, M.G. Pavlović, K.I. Popov, Cross-section analysis of morphology of electrodeposited copper obtained in hydrogen co-deposition range, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 74 (2009) 689-696.
  18. V.M. Maksimović, M.G. Pavlović, Lj.J. Pavlović, M. Tomić, Characterization of copper powder particles obtained by electrodeposition as function of different current densities, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 39 (2009) 2545-2552.
  19. D. Božić, O. Dimčić, B. Dimčić, M. Vilotijević, S. Riznić-Dimitrijević , Modeling of densification process for particle reinforced composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 487 [1-2] (2009) 511-516.
  20. M. Vilotijević, B. Dačić, D. Božić, Velocity and texture of a plasma jet created in a plasma torch with fixed minimal arc length, Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 18 [1] (2009) 015016 (8pp).
  21. V.M. Rajković, D. Božić, M.M. Popović, M.T. Jovanović, The Influence of Powder Particle Size on Properties of Cu-Al2O3 Composites, Science of Sintering, 41 [2] (2009) 185-192.
  22. V.M. Rajković, D. Božić, M.T. Jovanović, Characteristics of Cu-Al2O3composites of various starting particle size obtained by high-energy milling, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 74 [5] (2009) 595-605.
  23. M. Stojmenović, S. Bošković, S. Zec, B. Babić, B. Matović, D. Bučevac, Z. Dohčević – Mitrović, F. Aldinger, Characterization of nanometric multidoped ceria powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 507 (2010) 279-285.
  24. S. Zec, S. Bošković, B. Kaluđerović, Ž. Bogdanov, N. Popović, Chemical reduction of nanocrystalline CeO2, Ceramics International, 35 [1] (2009) 195-198.
  25. N.D. Abazović, M.I. Čomor, S. Zec, J.M. Nedeljković, E. Piscopiello, A. Montone, M.V. Antisari, Structural and optical characterization of flower-like rutile nanostructures doped with Fe3+, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 [4] (2009) 894-896.
  26. S. Zec, J. Dukić, M. Puševac, S. Bošković, R. Petrović, Sol–Gel Combustion Synthesis of La9.33(SiO4)6O2 Oxyapatite, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24 [10-11] (2009) 1104-1108.
  27. J. Stašić, M. Trtica, B. Gaković, S. Petrović, D. Batani, T. Desai, P. Panjan, Surface modifications of AISI 1045 steel created by high intensity 1064 and 532 nm picosecond Nd:YAG laser pulses, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 4474-4478.
  28. J. Stašić, M. Trtica, B. Gaković, D. Batani, T. Desai, G. Branković, Modifications of AISI 1045 steel by picosecond Nd:YAG laser at 266 nm; comparison with 532 and 1064 nm pulses, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 8221-8225.
  29. J. Stašić, B. Gaković, A. Krmpot, V. Pavlović, M. Trtica, B. Jelenković, Nickel-based superalloy Inconel 600 morphological modifications by high repetition rate femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser, Laser and Particle Beams, 27 (2009) 699-707.
  30. M. Trtica, V. Tarasenko, B. Gaković, A. Panchenko, B. Radak, J. Stašić, Microsecond and nanosecond laser TiN coating/steel modification: morphology studies, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 83 (2009) 1577-1581.
  31. B. Gaković, J. Stašić, S. Petrović, B. Radak, A. Krmpot, B. Jelenković, M. Trtica, Surface Modification of Metallic Targets with Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Acta Physica Polonica A, 116 (2009) 611-613.
  32. M. Babić, A. Vencl, S. Mitrović, I. Bobić, Influence of T4 Heat Treatment on Tribological Behavior of Za27 Alloy Under Lubricated Sliding Condition, Tribology Letters, 36 (2009) 125-134.